Penguin Gamer








commentid objectid typeid userid subject comment timestamp parentid
19 Rocks 'n' Diamonds games 117 Rocks 'n' Diamonds 1998-11-12 00:27:41 0
20 Angband games 37 Angband Entertaining for a while, but pretty boring after you get to level 35 or so. Not much to do besides collect more and more artificts and kill monsters that are pretty much the same as the monsters you were killing at level 30, only with more HP... 1998-11-12 15:42:33 0
659 Civilization: Call To Power games 1532 Civilization: Call T This simply the best strategic game I have ever played 1999-05-22 10:10:03 0
660 The LOSER Corps games 1535 The LOSER Corps 1999-05-22 14:32:12 0
661 The LOSER Corps games 1415 The LOSER Corps To Anonymous: The 8x8.fon and other files are not there, there all .gz'ed still, go to the /usr/local/games/loser/data/16bpp or 8bpp, depending on your color depth, and execute $ gunzip -dr * to extract all the .spr and .fon files it is looking for, then it will run properly. Looks like the script forgot to take this into account or something, had the same problem you had here, but this fixed it. 1999-05-22 15:01:03 0
658 Half Life dedicated server games -1 Half Life dedicated Halflife Server for Linux works fine but... I could have used more documentation. 1999-05-22 00:16:40 0
25 XKobo games 66 XKobo This game is dementedly addictive. It also doesn't make you restart at the beginning every time - it restarts you at the level you were at when you died, meaning you can spend days on the same level. The graphics are really cute and shiny, and the movement very smooth. You may have to fix your xmodmap so that you can use the keypad (yes! at last a use for the numeric keypad!) 1998-11-11 03:24:49 0
657 Civilization: Call To Power games 325 Civilization: Call T A worth successor to Civilisation II. It should do very well commercially. The interface is pretty nice - my only gripe is that it was slow on my PPro 200 at 24bpp. 1999-05-21 21:29:13 0
655 XKobo games 600 XKobo This game is just _very_ good. Normally, I don't like such games. I've only had one time earlier that I found a game funny, although I didn't like the type, and that was with DOOM... 1999-05-21 10:25:42 0
656 XKobo games 1245 XKobo I've spentmanyan hour on this game. Good fast-action space shooter with a bit of a stategy element to it. I reccomend -doublesize if you have the memory to spare. 1999-05-21 15:34:13 0