Penguin Gamer








newsid userid timestamp news headline newstype gameid
367 -1 1999-06-08 08:33:29 <img src="/images/thumbs/xcrillion.jpg" align=right width=200 height=125><em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Description:</em> In X-Crillion you control a colored ball through a labyrinth of stones.To win a level you have to destroy colored stones. The game is based on SDL and supports dsp sound. X-Crillion 1.0 new
372 -1 1999-06-10 18:42:29 <em>Category:</em> Puzzle<br> <em>Description:</em> A logic game where you try to crack a color code that is generated by the computer, has three skill levels to choose from. Code Breaker 1.0.2 new
378 -1 1999-06-13 11:35:12 <em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Description:</em> Kvirus is a board game for the KDE Environment and a clone of Ataxxlet originally written in Java. The goal is copy and jump your virus to eat up the enemy virus. Kvirus provides a cute interface with hours of fun. Kvirus 0.5 new
379 -1 1999-06-13 11:36:07 <em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><p> <em>Description:</em> Bomberman clone for ClanLib<p> <em>Changelog:</em> <ul> <li>Team mode <li>Some new graphics <li>Fixes <li.>...see ChangeLog </ul> ClanBomber 0.9 updated
381 -1 1999-06-13 12:20:53 <em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <font color=#ffff80 size="-1">(not yet rated)</font><p> <em>Description:</em> Multiplayer 2-D worm game<p> <em>Changelog:</em> <ul> <li>2 new music files, <li>optimized: removed non-needed background restoring around bitmaps, <li>bugfix: <ul> <li>item collision was inaccurate <li>item floating effect and code enhanced <li>item type changes during gameplay <li>2 new item types to collect (no special effects yet) <li>all option settings can be changed in console <li>can disable blood <li>item class is more flexible </ul> <li>code cleaned: global class allocated dynamically </ul> Worm Zone 1.32 updated
382 -1 1999-06-13 20:28:39 <em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><img src="" alt="5"><p> <em>Description:</em> Bomberman clone for ClanLib<p> <em>Changelog:</em> Fixed bad make install, music/bud.mod was not found ClanBomber 0.91 updated
383 -1 1999-06-13 21:02:57 <em>Category:</em> Game-related Utility<br> <em>Description:</em> GameStalker makes use of a client server model when searching for games. A zpdb (Zero-ping Database) server keeps a constantly refreshed list of Q2 and Q3A servers. GameStalker queries against this constantly refreshed list of servers to find the games you want to play in. <p> One of the reasons traditional server browsers take so long to refresh is because they are calculating the almighty ping for every server in the list, even though there are thousands of them you will never play on. <p> Many people, while concerned with ping, have other priorities, at least initially. For instance, you may want to just find a friend or clan member, or a particular game (lithium, wf, etc). This is where GameStalker can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes you to find these games. Queries against the zpdb take only a few seconds instead of several minutes. GameStalker 1.02 new
385 -1 1999-06-15 12:53:19 <em>Category:</em> Code Library<br> <em>Description:</em> Sgames provides some easy-to-use high level functions for game programming. This release in not very useful yet. I post it to see how many people are interested. Sgames 0.12 new
388 -1 1999-06-17 12:08:33 <img src="/images/thumbs/xracer-shot-04.gif" align=right width=200 height=150><em>Category:</em> Under development - not yet playable<br> <em>Description:</em> XRacer is the beginnings of a wipeout clone. At present it is very incomplete. In the next few weeks I will be adding support for: <ul> <li>better game physics <li>instrument panel <li>time trial and arcade modes <li>LAN play </ul> I'm looking for people who want to design tracks, particularly if they can suggest existing 3D modellers that we can use for this purpose. I estimate about 10% of the work involved in cloning Wipeout is the game engine and about 90% is track design. <p> <em><b>BZ:</b> People keep asking me if I know of any racing games for Linux. Here's your chance to jump in and help create one. XRacer 0.1 new
389 -1 1999-06-17 12:19:10 <em>Category:</em> Toy<br> <em>Description:</em> You can place fountain objects that spray out colored balls which fall down the screen and bounce off blocks that you can position. Very cool to look at and mess around with. Founts 1.0 new