Penguin Gamer








newsid userid timestamp news headline newstype gameid
911 2 1999-12-22 12:41:21 Uncle Bob is back with a couple of holiday quickies for you: <ul> <li><a href=""></a> has published <a href="">an interview</a> with our pals from <a href="">Loki Entertainment Software</a>. The interview deviates a bit from the standard questions, so it's a good read. <p> <li>The <a href="">Great Nations</a> homepage has been updated with some bad news for Linux users: <blockquote>For those looking for the Linux version.. Sorry, but we decided to remove it from the pages, at least temporarily. But it was a very bug-filled version anyway, so the loss shouldn't be too great. </blockquote> <li><a href="">Jedidiah</a> informs us: <blockquote> HMM3 <a href="">[Heroes of Might and Magic 3]</a> is shipping. I just got my copy from EB online today. </blockquote> </ul> Thought you'd like to know... default
2672 2 2002-07-12 12:45:38 Tonight at 9PM EST (GMT-5), the Ludum Dare 48 Hour Game Programming Competition begins. The competition is a "mostly from scratch", timed, 1-man-team coding challenge where all willing game developers spend their allowed time making the best game they can under a common theme. The theme will be selected 1 hour before the start of the competition so that no one is able to prepare in advance. <p> There are currently 130 participants in the competition, of whom 13 are Linux users. If anyone's got the weekend free, why not jump in and represent the good guys? <p> Full contest details are available at <a href="">the Ludum Dare site</a>. Ludum Dare 48 hour game programming competition default
6956 4 2006-11-02 07:55:55 To fight the comment spam, anonymous comments containing <i>http</i> in the subject or the body are silently discarded. Hopefully that will keep away most of the simpler bots.<br> If you notice any problems, feel free to comment or mail. spam default
846 2 1999-11-25 14:18:12 To everyone in the United States, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Canadians, I hope you had a swell Thanksgiving. Everyone else, well, happy late November! <ul> <li>This is a little late, but last weekend's <a href="">Strenua Inertia</a> comic once again had a Linux gaming theme, specifically <a href="">Loki Hack 1999</a>. <li><a href="mailto:aurag@DMS.UMontreal.CA">Hassan Aurag</a> wrote in with some more nice <a href="">Loki</a> news: <blockquote>After the false news of a Linux Kids Game on, I contacted Kayt Sorhaindo from Loki and asked her about Kids Software. <p> Below is the exchange and good news for parents who use Linux at home. <p> "Dear Hassan: <p> Thank you for taking the time to write to let us know your interest in children's titles. <p> We do plan to publish children's titles next year -- more news coming soon.<br> :-) <p> Sincerely,<br> Kayt Sorhaindo<br> Loki Entertainment Software" </blockquote> <li>GA Source <a href="">reports</a> that NVIDIA will release a complete Linux OpenGL implementation for their latest products before the end of this year. Hmm, source or binary only? Thanksgiving miscellany default
2795 3 2002-08-12 05:49:31 Time to spread new rumours it seems:<p> The <a href="">TeamSpeak homepage</a> announced TeamSpeak 2 will definitely be released on August 26:<ul><i>its party time<br><br> The release date for TeamSpeak 2.0 is set in stone ... finally...<br> At Monday the 26-08-02 21:00 CET TeamSpeak V2.0 will be officially released to the public.<br> We will have a big party at our IRC channel at 21:00 were we will first released it.<br><br> Please join us then at:, channel #teamspeak<br> and be one of the first to receive the official TeamSpeak V2.0 version<br> No more delays, no more possible release date.. <br><br>Its sure this time....</ul></i> While it is sure a Linux client will come, it apparently is <a href="">not sure</a> whether it will be released along with the Windows version.<p> BTW: Anybody mentioning <a href="">NWN</a> in this context will be tarred, feathered, and finally banned from this site. Linux TeamSpeak 2 Client soon? default
1657 2 2001-04-11 15:45:51 Thus spake <a href="">Loki's</a> Kayt Sorhaindo: <blockquote> Not one, but TWO Linux games will ship next week from <a href="">Loki Software, Inc.</a> <p> <a href="">Tribes 2</a> will be HOT on the heels of the Windows release by Sierra On-Line, and the long-awaited <a href="">Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack</a> by Firaxis will also make its Linux debut. <p> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack will ship to resellers on Monday, April 16, with the low MSRP of $29.95. Tribes 2 will follow suit on Wednesday, April 18, with an MSRP of $49.95. <p> Can't resist both of these exciting games? Take advantage of a promotional bundle and receive both for the special price of $59.95. This offer is available directly from Loki and from select resellers. </blockquote> Alpha Centauri (no, really!), Tribes 2 to ship next week default
2911 2 2002-09-15 15:11:01 Thursday was my birthday, and today is the first day since then that I've felt somewhat human. Now that I'm once again capable of semi-coherent thought, here are a few items I didn't manage to post over the past few days: <ul> <li>"<i> The <a href="/show?underworld+adventures">Underworld Adventures</a> Team currently searches for a 3d modeler to join. Fans of the Ultima Underworld game series are especially welcome. The ingame 3d models should replace the objects, NPCs and monster sprites for the "enhanced" user interface of the game. Details can be discussed per <a href="">mail</a> or in the #uwadv IRC channel (on</i>"<br> Somebody please step forward and help these folks. I want to play this game.. <p> <li>Whoever maintains the <a href="">Neverwinter Nights Linux client page</a> updated it on Friday with three new screenshots and short paragraph that can be summarized as "we're still working on it". <p> <li><a href=""></a> is now taking <a href="">pre-orders for Unreal Tournament 2003</a>. If you intend to buy this game, it's a good idea to do so from a Linux retailer like Tuxgames so that your purchase is registered as a Linux sale. <p> <li><a href="">Shark</a> wrote: <i>"Finally we see a lifesign from Sunspire Studios. They've been pretty quiet lately.. They have just announced that the price of <a href="">Tuxracer</a> has been reduced to $14.99."</i> <p> <li>nVidia has released version 1.0-3123 of their <a href="">binary-only display drivers</a>. </ul> <p> Bob's catch up corner default
485 2 1999-07-19 11:47:16 This weekend I went outdoors to see what all the hoopla is about. I found it to be bright, too hot, and I couldn't find an ethernet jack <i>anywhere</i>. Don't believe the hype. Indoors is where it's at. <p> Here's a quick rundown of some stuff that happened while I was out being hot: <ul> <li>Ryan Glasnapp is writing a clone of the classic BBS door game Tradewars 2002, in which you trade between ports, create planets and attempt to gain power and influence. There's more information and some code <a href="">at Mr. Glasnapp's website</a>. <a href="">Email him</a> if you're interested in helping with development. <li><a href="">GA Source</a> is running <a href="">an interview</a> with Adam Stubblefield of <a href="">Singularity Software</a>. You'll recall that SS's 3d real-time strategy game <a href="/show?Fire%20and%20Darkness">Fire & Darkness</a> won the grand prize and audience choice awards at the <a href="">Independent Games Festival</a> a few months back. (Thanks <a href=""></a>) <li><a href="/show?q3test">Q3Test</a> v1.06, sporting a new map and lotsa bug fixes, has been released for Windows, but the Linux and Mac ports aren't yet available. We're told to expect the Linux release later this week. </ul> Weekend catch up default
1109 2 2000-03-06 00:54:55 This week, your Uncle Bob will be travelling for his Real Job, so updates may be scarce or non-existant. Because I love you so, I'll try to attend to things while I'm away, but I have a suspicion I'll be awful darn busy. If you send me mail, you're not allowed to flame over lack of response until next Friday, got it? Have a swell week, Linux gamers. <p> God, I hate flying.... No updates this week default
470 2 1999-07-12 12:24:57 This site will be unavailable for a short while sometime Tuesday or Wednesday while it's moved to a bigger and badder server. I'm sorry I can't be more specific about when, but well, I just can't. So if you're unable to connect here sometime in the next couple of days, don't get your undies all in a bunch. Just try back later. downtime default