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newsid userid timestamp news headline newstype gameid
32 2 1998-12-12 01:19:06 <em>Category:</em> Documentation<br> <p> How to install, run and troubleshoot Quake,Quakeworld and Quake 2 in Linux<p> This is mostly a maintainance update for the Quake 2 3.20 release, but there's a smattering of new stuff in there too, like additions to the FAQ and Related Software sections. Linux Quake HOWTO updated
33 2 1998-12-14 20:18:57 If you're just itching for a peek at my soft, pasty countenance, check out the latest (January) Linux Journal. It includes an article on Quake by yours truly, condensed out of the <a href="">Linux Quake Howto</a>. Your humble host in Linux Journal default
34 193 1998-12-15 10:15:19 <em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><p> A very promising side-scrolling, network-capable game for Linux.<p> <p> Changes in this version include: <ul> <li>Better visual detection under X, sound support on Solaris (thanks to Mattias Engdegard) <li>support for 32bpp on X <li>improved enemy movement <li>some bug fixes. </ul> The LOSER Corps 0.9.9 updated
35 14 1998-12-16 23:35:17 <img src="/images/thumbs/ss1.jpg" align="right"><em>Category:</em> Action <p> From the FAQ: <p> "XShipWars was originally developed as ShipWars MUF, a program written for the Fuzzball MUCK server. <p> XShipWars (aka XSW) development started in January 1998. It is now a space oriented graphical MUD/game based on the charactures from Bajor3D. It also now has its own stand-alone client/server, therefore it is no longer MUCK dependent. It is currently being developed on Linux/X and as of version .55 will compile on any UNIX system."<p> And it sure is pretty! I can't wait to check it out! XShipWars 0.76 new
36 225 1998-12-22 00:54:44 <img src="/images/thumbs/pysol-gypsy-small.gif" align=right><em>Category:</em> Cards<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><p> This best-of-the-breed solitaire game has been updated..<p> This version supports 3 new games (for a total of 22), namely Eight Off, Golf and Grandfather's Clock, implements a statusbar and introduces a new assist function to highlight all moveable piles. PySol 2.01 updated
37 2 1998-12-23 19:44:04 <em>Category:</em> Action<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><p> A Linux port of Boom, which is an enhanced version of Doom from id's source.<p> With this version, LxDoom stops being a port of Boom, as Boom development has ceased. This release is mainly a bugfix version, prompted by the author's recent upgrade to RedHat 5.1. <br> Changes in this version include: <UL> <LI>Fixed config file saving. <LI>Binaries are now use <LI>24 bpp and 32 bpp X display support <LI>Autoloading of wad files </UL> lots more. See the LxDoom homepage for full details. lxDoom 1.3.1 updated
38 2 1998-12-24 15:50:39 <em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><p> A 3rd person, side-view, fast-action, kill-them-before-they-kill-you game.<p> New in XEvil 2.0 Beta 7: <ul> <li>UNIX hi-resolution mode with all new bitmaps, but still with the option to run in low-resolution mode for slow machines. <li>New hi-resolution bitmaps for Ninja, Alien, Dragon and others. <li>New "themes", graphics for the world <li>New background music as MIDI files. Got rid of the hacked-in repeating snippets of music that we had before. <li>New enemy character, the "Yeti" <li>Auto key-repeat for UNIX. <li>Simple chat functionality for Network play. </ul> XEvil 2.0 beta 7 updated
39 315 1998-12-26 20:45:42 <img src="/images/thumbs/freeciv.gif" height=143 width=200 align=right><em>Category:</em> Strategy<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><p> A free clone of Microprose's Civilization game.<p> This update fixes lots and lots of bugs and adds many new features as well. Among them: <ul> <li>New "easy" AI mode, which is now the default. <li>Ability to save and re-load client settings <li>Ability to use pre-designed maps. <li>Compatibility with the Xaw3d widget library. <li>Many user interface improvements </ul> <p> Freeciv 1.7.2 updated
40 2 1998-12-26 20:58:04 In case you're one of the two people who cared in the first place, we're no longer running a BZFlag server at See, the server is running FreeBSD, and although its Linux emulation works great for running Quake servers, the BZFlag server likes to crash or get really flakey on occasion. This is certainly not the fault of BZFlag, a wondrous game, but rather a result of our running it in emulation mode under a foreign OS. <p> So the BZFlag server bites the dust and the world mourns...but somehow we'll all find the strength to continue. BZFlag server is dead default
41 2 1998-12-27 02:01:45 <em>Category:</em> Arcade<br> <em>Avg. Rating:</em> <img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><img src="" alt="*"><p> A fantastic arcade game emulator.<p> Xmame, one of the wonders of the modern gaming world, has just been updated. Get your copy quick, before they run out! <p> What's new from the release announcement: <ul> <li>Everything from dos rc 2 <li>Added mouse grabbing, press left-alt + page-down to grab the mouse under X, press it again to release it. Use -grabmouse to start with the mouse grabbed. <li>Added invisible mousecursor for people using focus follows mouse, use -nocursor to make the cursor invisible, grabbing the mouse as above also makes it invisible. This was kindly contributed by: Dave Dribin <li>Removed ROMPATH, SPOOLDIR etc defines from makefile.unix and replaced them with XMAMEROOT by Christian Groessler <li>Fully intergrated openstep support, it now no longer needs the files in contrib, see README.unix <li>Added sound synchronisation for streamed sound, this should fix the lag in pacman. This only works when throttle is enabled. <li>Netbsd-i386 audiobuffer querying support by: Tom Spindler </ul> Xmame 0.34rc2.1 updated